North Shore

North Shore
View of Llandudno from The Little Orme

Monday 25 November 2013

Llandudno Christmas Fayre 2013

Just 4 minutes down the road, Madoc Street in Llandudno was closed off on Wednesday night in order for the marquees to be set up. How the guys managed to erect them I do not know as there was a gale blowing and it was bitter . Earlier on in the week we'd had horrendous hail storms so it didn't look too promising for the fayre. However by Thursday the stall holders, over a hundred, had got themselves installed and were ready to trade. When I popped down on Thursday I recognised many stall holders from previous years but there were many new stalls too.                                                                             

This stall sold rings made from old silver tea spoons. It's worth checking out their website

Good warming drinks on offer
Between the marquees there was an entertainment stage so there were various entertainers to keep the crowds entertained
 This man makes coracls and teaches bush craft

Womens chior  proved popular

Playing a dulcimer

A duo playing folk songs

There was certainly a good selection of products being sold.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Lymehurst Garden

 The wonderful weather really brought the garden into life not only flower wise but also all the bees and butterflies that it attracted.I absolutely love butterflies and was delighted to see Commas this year. I think it's the first time I've had one in my garden. The one butterfly that I'm not happy with this year is the Cabbage White or  in my garden it should be re named Kale White. As you'll see from the photos they had a real feast!!!

Red Admiral
The caterpillars have had a feast!!

My kale skeleton!!


Not sure about the adage "live and let live" any more!! But there has been plenty of beautiful flowers to take my mind off greedy caterpillars
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Marigolds adding a touch of colour and they last well

An amazing iris. Never seen one this colour before


I love these poppies are so bright and cheerful

Yet another type of poppy

My first attempt at growing Morning Glory

The colour of these flowers is  incredible. Each morning you look forward to seeing another new bloom

Ongoing Work In The Front Garden At Lymehurst

The square lawn about to be tranformed to a round one
 I have lots of ideas for the garden but as ever it takes time for the plans to become reality. Now when business is slowing right down, (too much for my liking!)as soon as the weather is reasonable I've been out gradually re doing the lawn and borders. Still got a way to go but at least it's coming together.
It took a while to mark out the cicle

..almost there

The finished product, now I just have to move the plants around!!

An Even Nicer Way To Receive A Deposit

 It's always good to get a booking but there is something really nice when guests don't just send the deposit cheque in an envelope but send  it in a lovely card.

Friday 8 November 2013

Looking Back Over The Glorious Summer

 Well at last we had a real summer and it lasted so long too. It was wonderful  to be able to go out without having to wear lots of layres of clothes. Apparently it was the best summer for 7 years!!! I only hope we don't have to wait that long again. The feel good factor throughout Llandudno was palpable. Businesses from shops,cafes to the suppliers of all the accommodation providers all felt the benefit of an increase in tourism due to the weather.
 The garden at Lymehurst definitely enjoyed the summer weather and seemed to suddenly erupt into a mass of colour. Insect,having taken a battering during the spring time lept into life and it was wonderful to have  so many butterflies and bees in the garden.
Butterflies love Buddleia

A new vibrant blue bisto set adds another touch of colour to the seating area in the front garden at Lymehurst

This rock rose came from a cutting I got from my friend.

My first attempt at growing Morning Glory and it was glorious in a morning to find new flowers blooming

I love aliums and I tried several different types

The poppies choose where to flower and add such a burst of colour throughout the garden at Lymehurst B & B ......and best of all they are free!!

This is the first time I have noticed the  comma butterfly in the garden at  lymehurst