At last the Llandudno 10k is off |
As we had two runners from The Cobra Running Club staying at Lymehurst B&B, we decided to go and give some support. Thinking we were only going to see the start and take some photos for the blog we did not dress up for the weather!! We rushed to the start only to discover that due to the high winds the race was going to be delayed to enable a safety check of the route to be done. Not content with being windy it decided to rain as well! Those poor runners they must have been frozen. Even we ended up jumping up and down on the spot to keep warm.. At last the go ahead was given and off they went. Between trying to take photos and look out for our runners, Sally and Steve, amongst the hundreds of runners, we got sucked into the atmosphere of the race.
There were hundreds of runners taking part in the 10 k run |
After they had all run past us and were snaking their way down the promenade we ran after them to take rear views!!
You can tell it was chilly by looking at the stewards at the 10 K run |
The promenade at Llandudno offers an amazing back drop for the 10K run
When we discovered the route was looping round (and we had dried out and warmed up as the sun had decided tocome out) we got enthusiastic again so hung around to take more photos (My daughter took lots )
Some of the first runners heading towards the 3km mark |

It was really hard spotting our guests amongst all those runners. Next time I'll remember to ask which club and what colours to look out for.........that would make life easier!!
Pleased to say that even though weather conditions were not the best, our guests enjoyed! the race and at least one would like to return to spend more time in the area ..........not running!!
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