After Rebecca working so hard to get this blog set up for me it seems terrible that I haven't added to it at all but once all family and guests left it took a while to get the house back in order (find everything!!) and to catch up on all the paper work etc that had been gladly shoved into a draw. (From that you might gather that the administrative side of the business is not my favourite part!) Running a B&B, as I'm finding out includes all sorts of rules and regulations that have to be adhered to. At the moment I'm going through my Fire Risk Assessment ensuring it is all up to date as I have the Fire Prevention Officer coming to do a check on Wednesday.Hopefully he will be satisfied with what I have had done. Wednesday is going to be an interesting day as I will be starting a Welsh Course so you never know I might be adding the occaisional Welsh word here and there, just to impress!!
As this blogging is all new to me I'm going to attempt to add some photos. This Christmas provided some amazing snowy scenes so let's see how I get on.............

Looking back towards The Great Orme from the foot/cycle path that takes you to the amazing Conwy Castle and walled town

Rebecca added a picture taken in about the same place but this is the snowy version
It still amazes me to see the snow lying so close to the sea
Ok that wasn't too hard and now I've even added some text although it's not going where I want it to go!.Well here goes, about to publish first blog

wow mum you did such a good job, i love those photo's, although i was a little miffed at the snow it did make everything look so nice. x